Setup Lumen Global LTI Integration
To enable faculty to use Lumen Learning courses from within your LMS, you will need to set up a global learning tool interoperability (LTI) connection.
There are four steps in this short guide to getting Lumen LTI integration setup:
- Add Lumen's domains as LTI providers
- Create a test course (optional, you may choose to use an existing course)
- Import a test cartridge into the test course
- Test the content to ensure the LTI connection was set up correctly
During this process you will need:
- The consumer key and secret provided to you by Lumen Support
- To download the cartridge that will be used to test the LTI set up in your LMS. You can download this cartridge here.
Register Lumen as an LTI Tool Provider
Add an LTI Tool Provider
You can add new tool providers using Blackboard's Register Provider Domain:
- In Blackboard on the Administrator Panel, select LTI Tool Providers
- Select Register Provider Domain.
- Complete the following fields:
- Provider Domain:
- Provider Domain Status: Select Approved
- Secondary Hostnames: Enter the three hostnames below (one per line)
In order to fully set up the integration to Lumen so that faculty members can import any Lumen course into the LMS, all three domains are needed.
If your faculty plans to only use OHM S.T.E.M courses you may choose to only add the last domain as a provider.
Likewise if using only either Candela or Waymaker courses you may choose to add only the first two (both are required), and not to add OHM, however, we strongly recommend importing all three at once so that faculty have the flexibility to add any Lumen course at any time with no further LTI setup required.
- Default Configuration: Select Set Globally
- Tool Provider Key: Enter the Consumer Key provided to you by Lumen
- Tool Provider Secret: Enter the Secret provided to you by Lumen
- Send User Data: Select Send user data only over SSL
- User Fields to Send: Check Role in Course, Name, and Email Address
- Allow Membership Service Access: Select Yes
- Select Submit
Testing the LTI Integration to Lumen
Your connection to Lumen should now be setup. Next, we ask that you perform a short guided test to check that the integration was completed successfully, and confirm that Lumen courses will work correctly within your institution’s LMS.
To perform this test so you’ll need to import a test cartridge into your LMS. If you haven’t already downloaded this cartridge, as recommended at the start of this document, please download it here now.
Create a Test Course
If you already have a test course in your LMS that you would prefer to use you can skip this step and proceed to importing. If using an existing course please ensure it is empty.
Once the download is complete return to Blackboard and create a new course:
- On the Administrator Panel, in the Courses section, select Courses.
- Point to Create Course and select New.
- Complete the following fields (all other fields are optional and are unnecessary for this test):
- Course Name: Enter Lumen Integration Test
- Course Code: Enter Lumen_Test
- Select Submit.
Note: Blackboard will create a completely blank course. No instructors, students, or other users will be added to it. You will be able to delete this course once testing is complete.
Import the Test Course
- Go to the Home Page of the course you just created (or the course you wish to import into).
- On the Control Panel open the Packages and Utilities submenu.
- Click on Import Package/View Logs.
- Click on Import Page on the page that has opened.
- Click on the Browse My Computer button. Find and select the Lumen Blackboard integration Test Cartridge zip file that you downloaded.
- Under Select Course Materials click on Select All.
- Click Submit.
Note: Importing the test cartridge will copy the content of that cartridge into the test course. This import is content only and does not include any student/faculty enrollments or other data such as grades.
Testing the Cartridge
The test content should now have been imported into your course and will appear as a link in the course menu.
To test the integration simply open the first item in the test course and follow the instructions guiding you through our short test process.

Each of the three LTI links will open in a new tab so that you can easily navigate through each, close them and easily come back to the Complete Test page.
If you experienced any issues while importing the cartridge, or if any of the pages are either blank or displaying error messages please send us an email at with a screenshot so that we can troubleshoot the problem.
Thanks for helping us to get Lumen Learning set up at your institution!