Blackboard: Importing OHM Into A Blackboard Course Shell

This is an article on how to import an OHM course into your Blackboard course shell.

Step 1: Contact your Blackboard support team to confirm whether the Lumen OHM LTI Tool has been configured. If not, use this form to submit an LTI request, and give your Blackboard team advance notice that Lumen will be reaching out to configure Global LTI.

Step 2: In the meantime, prepare your OHM course. Configure the content, modify assessment settings, adjust questions, set due dates, and so forth. Once your course is finalized, you will be ready to integrate Lumen materials into your Blackboard course shell.

Step 3: Download the export file from Lumen OHM

  1. From your OHM course, in the left navigation panel under “Course Items”, click on the “Export” link.
  2. In the “Items to export” dropdown, select either “Export entire course” to export the entire course contents or “Select individual items to export” to specify course items for import.
  3. Select your LMS, Blackboard.

Step 4: Import the content into Blackboard

  1. Go to “Packages and Utilities,” and then “Import Package”
  2. Click “Import Package”
  3. Select the export file from your computer, and click “Select All” to select all course materials. Then click “Submit.”
  4. Next you will need to establish the connection between your Lumen OHM course and your Blackboard course
  • In Blackboard, click one of the OHM assessment links in your course.
  • If this is your first time using OHM with Blackboard integration, OHM may ask you, the teacher, to sign into your OHM account. This is necessary to establish a connection between your LMS account and your OHM account. Note students will never be asked to sign in if they’re accessing OHM through Blackboard.
  • Follow the prompts to either associate the LMS course with your existing OHM course or create a copy. For more detail on which option works best for your situation, see this article (link coming soon!).
  • Once complete, all the OHM assignment links in your LMS should work.
  • Be aware:
    • Links, files, forums, and and text items were imported into your Blackboard course. Changing them in OHM will not change them in your Blackboard course. If you need to make changes to these course elements, you’ll need to repeat the export/import process.
    • If you change assessment settings or the questions in an assessment in OHM, those changes will show up when the assessment is launched from the Blackboard course.
    • Any new items added in OHM, including new assessments, will not automatically show up in the Blackboard course; you would need to repeat the export/import process for these items to appear in Blackboard.
    • If configured to do so, assessment grades will be sent from OHM to the Blackboard gradebook immediately every time the student completes a question. Note that Blackboard may delay updating the grade.