Waymaker: Showing a Hidden Study Plan Section Tile

Please Note: This feature is only available in courses that support the updated assessment experience. If you do not see this option when clicking on the edit menu on a section tile, and instead see delete you are on an older course.

Showing a Section

This guide will answer the following questions about showing sections:

How do I show a section?

As an instructor with course editing rights, you can re-enable (show) a section that was previously hidden in a Study Plan. 

In order to see sections that have been hidden in a Study Plan faculty will need to be in teacher view mode, and check the Show Hidden Sections checkbox in the top menu. 

Note: If the show hidden sections checkbox is disabled then there are no hidden sections on the Study Plan. 

Any tiles that are hidden will be clearly marked with a bright yellow bar at the bottom of the section and a hidden icon. 

To make this tile, and related assessment questions, visible to student again click on the vertical ellipsis icon that appears in the upper right corner of the section tile.

Note: If the edit ellipsis icon does not appear its likely that your user account does not have editing rights. Please see Who is able to hide/show sections? below.

In the section menu drop down, click on the Show link. The section will then be made available again on the Study Plan, along with all associated questions (i.e. the questions related to outcomes covered in this section will be added back into from the show what you know and final module quiz assessments).


Who is able to show sections?

Only designated course editors can show/hide sections. Who the designated editor is will depends on how editing has been set up for the Waymaker course at your institution. At some institutions, one lead faculty member is responsible for editing the quiz banks and Study Plans that are shared across all course sections.

By default the first faculty member that clicks into the course will become the lead, and sole, editor. An institution may however request that additional faculty be given editor rights or that editing is opened up to all faculty members of the course.

If you’re unsure about whether you are personally responsible for making quiz edits, please check with the person at your institution who coordinates work with Lumen Learning or contact us at support@lumenlearning.com.

If faculty who are not responsible for making edits identify the need to hide a section they will need to coordinate with the lead faculty who is responsible for making such edits.

When a section is un-hidden, does that apply in all course sections/copies?

It is possible, and in many cases likely, that the version of your Waymaker course is shared across multiple course sections at your institution.

Any course sections created from the same Waymaker cartridge will share both section and quiz edits. If you are unsure of which course sections at your institution are connected to the same course version please contact us on support@lumenlearning.com.

If you would like to have an isolated course in which you can make your own edits without impacting anyone else please contact Lumen and we will get you a new course cartridge tied to a new Waymaker course version.

I can’t show a section. Why isn’t the edit menu available?

If the edit menu icon is not appearing on your Study Plan dive in tiles its likely that your user account does not have editing rights. Lumen can add you as an editor on your course, however it is also important to consider that edits may be shared across multiple course sections at your institution (see  above).

info about shared edits 

If you’re unsure about whether you are personally responsible for making quiz edits, please check with the person at your institution who coordinates work with Lumen Learning.