Waymaker: Using Our Question Banks for Supplemental Assessments and Cumulative Exams in Blackboard

We provide quiz banks as QTI files, a standard format that allows you to import questions, build, and customize quizzes in most learning management systems.

We provide quiz banks as QTI files, a standard format that allows you to import questions, build, and customize quizzes in most learning management systems. According to Lumen company policy, we do not provide quizzes in written (e.g. MS Word) form, in order to preserve the academic integrity of our quiz banks on behalf of everyone using our materials. We adopted this policy after observing how easy it is for quiz banks in written formats to find their way onto websites that promote academic cheating. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Additional Support for Using these Question Banks: The editing and management of these assessments is limited to your Learning Management System. Should you need additional assistance implementing these question banks, we suggest you reach out to your Campus LMS Administrator.

To get started, follow these instructions for importing the question banks into Blackboard.

Once the import is complete, navigate to Course Tools -> Tests, Surveys, and Pools -> Tests. An individual quiz for each module will be available here as our quiz imports match the alignment of our course modules. 

  • To create an assessment using multiple module quizzes as a question pool, click “Build Test” at the top left. 
  • Enter the test name, description, and Instructions and click Submit.
  • The next page is the test Canvas for creating your test. Click “Reuse Question.”
  • Select “Create Question Set.” The next window will present you with a menu to select the existing test or module for the question set. You will then select the particular questions you would like to add or select all.
  • You will be able to select how many questions the test should pull from this set, the point value per question, and add or remove additional questions.