Blackboard & OHM: Generate and Import Lumen OHM Course/Cartridge


  • You have an instructor account in Lumen OHM
  • Your Blackboard course shell is available to you
  • All of the assignments you want to use are created in OHM
  • You have created at least one assessment in your OHM course


1. Generate Lumen OHM Course Cartridge
Goal: Export a Blackboard compatible OHM Cartridge

From the home page of the Lumen OHM course:

  • Choose: Export
  • Choose: Create CC Export with LTI placements as custom fields (works in Blackboard)
  • Click: Download (this file will be placed in your downloads folder)

2. Import Lumen OHM Course Cartridge into a Blackboard Course
Goal: Add OHM course cartridge to a Blackboard Course.

From the home page of your Blackboard course:

  • Choose: Packages and Utilities
  • Choose: Import Package/ View Logs
  • Choose: Import Package
  • Choose: Browse My Computer
  • Select the name of the file you downloaded from Lumen OHM
  • From “Select Course Materials” choose “Select All”
  • Click “Submit”
  • Your Content from Lumen OHM will be dropped into a folder on your course menu called Common Cartridge Export. You can re-organize the content in any way you like.


3. Establishing your identity in Lumen OHM through Blackboard
Goal: Allow Lumen OHM to associate you with the correct course when you access through a Blackboard Course.

  • Navigate to one of your Graded Assignments
  • You will see a Lumen OHM login prompt: enter your credentials
  • You will then be asked to choose whether Lumen OHM makes a new copy of the course you have linked to Blackboard, or if you want to use the existing one.
    1. If you are working from a Blackboard course copy you taught from previously, choose “Create a Copy.”
    2. If this is the first time you have used this course in Blackboard, choose “Associate this LMS course”

4. Enabling Grade Return Between Lumen OHM and Blackboard
Goal: Enable Lumen OHM to send a grade to Blackboard

Whether you are using a global connection or a local connection, you will need to set up each graded assessment so that it will return a grade to Blackboard.

  • In Blackboard: navigate to a graded assessment, click on the drop-down menu by it’s title and click Edit
  • You will see the name of the assessment, URL, and LTI key and secret.
  • Navigate down to “Enable Evaluation,” and click yes
  • Enter the desired point value, it won’t really matter what value because OHM sends a percentage. You can also set due dates here.
  • You’re done!