Moodle & OHM: Generate and Import OHM Course Cartridge


  • You have an instructor account in OHM
  • Your Moodle course shell is available to you
  • All of the assignments you want to use are created in OHM
  • You have created at least one assessment in your OHM course

1. Generate an OHM Course Cartridge
Goal: Export a Moodle compatible OHM Cartridge

From the home page of the OHM course:

  • Choose: Export
  • There you can select Items to Export. You can either export your entire course or select individual items. 
  • Once the options are selected you can choose Moodle and Download Export Package. (This file will be placed in your downloads folder)

2. Import an OHM Course Cartridge into a Moodle Course
Goal: Add OHM course cartridge to a Moodle Course.

Navigate to Course > Course Administration > Restore

In Import a backup file:

  • Select Choose a file.... or select Drag and Drop to upload your OHM course cartridge file
  • Select Restore

In Backup details:
  • Select Continue to confirm the IMS Common Cartridge file 


In Restore into this course:
  • Select Merge the backup course into this course
  • Select Continue


Choose your course items or just leave the defaults checked and continue through the restore steps
  • Select Continue to complete the import

4. Establishing your identity in OHM through Moodle
Goal: Allow OHM to associate you with the correct course when you access through a Moodle Course.

Navigate to one of your Graded Assignments

    • You will see a OHM login prompt: enter your credentials
    • You will then be asked to choose whether OHM makes a new copy of the course you have linked to Moodle, or if you want to use the existing one.
      1. If you are working from a Moodle course copy you taught from previously, choose “Create a Copy.”
      2. If this is the first time you have used this course in Moodle, choose “Associate this LMS course”

You're Done!