Lumen One: Video Support Library

Contains "How do I?" videos and additional videos about Lumen One.

Ready to explore Lumen One and what's possible? This page houses videos that you can use to understand the "what and why" of Lumen One. 

If you're looking for student videos, you can also visit this page: Student Getting Started Videos

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START HERE: Quick Start Videos 

Are you ready to start teaching with Lumen One? Our Quick Start Video Series is designed to help you better understand how and why Lumen One was designed to support student success. 

We recommend watching these videos at the start of the semester. 


Understanding the Student Journey 

This video gives you a tour of the design of Lumen One and the student journey. You'll learn about the "Introduce Yourself Assignment," the Readiness Check, the Study Plan, the Learning Activities, self-checks, and Fresh Takes.

You'll also learn about the Faculty Engagement Center and materials that you can use during class. There is helpful information about the quizzes and how to use Lumen One assessment for learning, not just of learning. There is also information on the Lumen Community and how Lumen Learning support students in the Lumen One courseware. 

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Building Belonging from the Start (Introduce Yourself Assignment) 

In this video, you will learn about the Lumen One courseware design, and how to build belonging from the start of the course. The "Introduce Yourself Assignment" connects to the Faculty Engagement Center, messaging tools, and the student list. You'll learn about how to make the most of your Student List in the Faculty Engagement Center. 

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Helping Students Catch Up Without Feeling Called Out (The Readiness Check) 

In this video, you will learn how the Readiness Check works in every module of Lumen One. The Study Plan updates based on their performance on the Readiness Check. In the Faculty Engagement Center, the Student List gives you a quick summary of how students are doing individually. In the Module Highlights, you get a review of how students are doing on key skills.

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Learning with Lumen One (How Content is Designed)

In this video, you will learn how Lumen One is designed with the same design in all courses. You will be guided through understanding how the key features of Lumen One contributes to helping students learn. This video summarizes how the Learn It, Try It, Apply It, Self Check, Fresh Take, and how the Faculty Engagement provides insight to student performance.  


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Fostering Active Learning (Apply Its & PowerPoint Slide Design) 

In this video, you will learn about the Faculty Resources, the Instructor Guides, and PowerPoint slides to foster active learning in your course. Each of our PowerPoint slides has built in Affirmations to help student foster a growth-mindset, and there are guided reflections and peer activities.  

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Supporting Students Using The Faculty Engagement Center

In this video, you will learn about how to maximize The Faculty Engagement Center and automated messaging and time sensitive interventions. The Lumen Community is also discussed as a resource to support your students. 

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Understanding Grading and Assessments 

You will learn about how to make the most out of the Study Plan Graded Participation, Quiz Grading, and Module Highlights.

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Using Lumen's Statistical Technology Tools 

In this video, you will learn about the statistical tools in the Lumen One Introduction to Statistics course. 

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"How Do I?" Videos

This quick videos are designed to help you understand how to maximize Lumen One for instruction and student support. 

Watch "How Do I:" 

Information on how to add materials to your course when the Lumen Learning team updates your course. 

How Do I... Set Up Messaging? 

In this video, you'll learn about how to set up the automated messages and time-sensitive intervention messages.

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How Do I... Manage Quiz Attempts? 

All Lumen One quizzes have two attempts for students. In this video, you will learn how to manage quiz attempts and setting the mastery threshold in the Faculty Engagement Center. 

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How Do I... Use Data in my Faculty Engagement Center? 

In this video, you will learn how to maximize the data in Module Highlights and the Student List.

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How Do I...Add Improvements to a Lumen One course in Canvas?

This video walks you through how to access updated material in a Lumen One course when our team engages in continuous improvement of the course content. 


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How Do I... Add Improvements to a Lumen One course in Brightspace?

This video walks you through how to access updated material in a Lumen One course when our team engages in continuous improvement. 

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How Do I... Add Improvements to a Lumen One course in Blackboard Ultra?

This video walks you through how to access updated material in a Lumen One course when our team engages in continuous improvement. 

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