Lumen One: How to import assessment files

Lumen One provides access to outcome-aligned question banks (QTI files) that you can use to build your own midterms and finals.

We provide files of assessments, called QTI files, in a standard format that allows you to import questions, build, and customize quizzes and exams in your learning management system such as Canvas, Brightspace, and Blackboard.

These files cannot be opened outside of an LMS. You must access them by logging into your Lumen One course and then you have download the files on your computer. Scroll down for instructions specific to your LMS. 

Instructions for Canvas

  1. Go to your Lumen One course. 
  2. Click on your Lumen Faculty Engagement Center. 
  3. Click on Teaching Resources. Click on "Faculty Resources" and then "Find Faculty Resources." 
  4. Click Jump to: Question Banks for Midterms and Finals
  5. Under Available Question Banks. Click Canvas.
  6. Download the file onto your computer. 
  7. Open the zip folder to see all of the QTI files. 
  8. To create your quiz or assessments, follow the instructions from your local eLearning support or use instructions from Canvas on importing quizzes from QTI files.

Here are instructions for Canvas:


Instructions for Blackboard Original Course View

  1. Go to your Lumen One course. 
  2. Click on your Lumen Faculty Engagement Center. 
  3. Click on Teaching Resources. Click on "Faculty Resources" and then "Find Faculty Resources." 
  4. Click Jump to: Question Banks for Midterms and Finals.
  5. Under Available Question Banks. Click Blackboard (Original Course View)
  6. Download the file onto your computer. 
  7. Go back to your course. Go to Course Tools. Click on Tests, Surveys, Pools.
  8. Then select Pools, and Select Import QTI 2.1 Package.
  9. Browse your computer to locate the QTI file.
  10. Select Submit.
  11. After Blackboard Learn processes the package, you’ll see a status page to show the results. Select OK to return to the Pools page.
  12. To create your quiz or assessments, follow the instructions from your local eLearning support or use instructions from Blackboard Original Course View: How to Import or Export Tests, Surveys and Pools

Instructions for Blackboard Ultra Course View:

    1. Go to your Lumen One course. 
    2. Click on your Lumen Faculty Engagement Center. 
    3. Click on Faculty Resources. Click on "Find Faculty Resources."
    4. Click Jump to: Question Banks for Midterms and Finals
    5. Under Available Question Banks. Click Blackboard Ultra Course View.
    6. Download the file onto your computer.
    7. On the “Content” page of your course, click the three dots in the right-hand corner.
    8. Select “Import Content” and “Import Course Content.”
    9. Upload your .zip file.
    10. Return to the “Content” page and scroll down to “Question Banks” and “Manage banks” to see your import.
    11. To create your quiz or assessments, follow the instructions from your local eLearning support or use instructions about working with question banks here.)

Instructions for Brightspace D2L 

  1. Go to your Lumen One course. 
  2. Click on Teaching Resources. Click on "Faculty Resources" and then "Find Faculty Resources." 
  3. Click Jump to: Question Banks for Midterms and Finals.
  4. Under Available Question Banks. Click Brightspace D2L.
  5. Download the file onto your computer.
  6. You then want to follow the instructions from your local eLearning support or use instructions from Brightspace D2L: Create and Configure a Quiz

Here is a video of this process for Brightspace D2L

Important Note:

For Lumen One Introductory Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Introduction to Business, Business Communication and Principles of Marketing files:

After downloading the QTI Zip file, you cannot import the main file folder.

You must open the main file folder in order to import the individual module files. Note the example below where the Marketing Canvas QTI Files folder expands so that you can access each module's assessment package.

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Need help finding your downloaded question bank file?

Here is how to find and manage your downloaded files in Chrome 

Here is how to find and manage your downloaded files in  Firefox

Here is how to find and manage your downloaded files in Internet Explorer

You can also connect with your Lumen representative or submit a ticket.