OHM: Gradebook Settings

This article covers the gradebook feature in OHM with an overview, basic features, settings, categories, and how to export your grades.

Note: If you are using OHM integrated into Canvas, Blackboard, Brightspace, or Moodle, it is not necessary to set up your gradebook in Lumen OHM.

Gradebook Overview

Each time a student completes an assessment question, OHM sends a percentage back to the LMS gradebook. You may configure and manage grades using your LMS gradebook. Lumen OHM's gradebook supports features including:

  • Points based and weights based grading schemes
  • Gradebook categories
  • Offline grade items
  • Lowest and highest scores dropped
  • Various gradebook views (past due, Past & Attempted, Available Only, etc) which update the category scores to compute based only on the selected view.
  • Optional color coding: User selects n and m where scores below n are shaded red and scores about m are shaded green
  • Scaling (rudimentary curving)

Gradebook Basics

To access your gradebook, click on "Gradebook" at the top center of your course page.

In the grey navigation area, you may 

  • Add or manage offline grades by clicking on the triangle next to "Offline Grades."
  • Export your gradebook into CSV or Excel formats (see video below).
  • Modify settings.
  • Add individualized comments to display at the top of each student's gradebook score list.
  • Modify the color scheme: User selects n and m where scores below n are shaded red and scores about m are shaded green
  • Toggle some basic view settings
  • Select which category (or all) to display
  • Control viewing of optional items (not counted)
  • Show (and calculate grade category values based on) various views: past due, past & attempted, available only, past & available, or all.

Gradebook Detail

When you click on a student's score in the gradebook, you will see the specific assessment that they received and the last answer they provided, as well as their score on each question and the attempts used. You can override the scores they received on this page.

You can also send a student a message about a question, quoting their version of the question in the message. At the bottom of the page is a box to leave the student feedback about the assessment. Note that this feature does not push through to the LMS, so messaging is not recommended for LMS integrated users.

If you wish to give a student another chance to take an assessment, click the "Clear Attempt" or "Clear Scores" link. Note: This will clear their current scores, answers, and attempts used. The "Clear Attempt" link will make it appear the student never started the assessment, and the student will receive a different version of the assessment when they access the assessment. The "Clear Scores" link will clear the student's scores and attempts to 0, but the student will receive the same version of the assessment when they access it.

If you categorized the questions in the assessment, you will also see a category breakdown at the bottom of the details page. 

Gradebook Settings 

Calculate total using

  • points earned / possible (points based grade)
  • category based (weights based grade)

Edit View Settings

Click on the link "Edit view settings" just above the Gradebook Categories area.

  • Gradebook display: Order and grouping by category options
  • Default user order
  • Links may either show the full test or the question breakdown
  • "Default show by availability" designates the default view
  • Not counted (NC) items: designates default view behavior for not counted items
  • Locked students: show or hide
  • Default color coding
  • Designating totals column location (left or right) 
  • Average row location (top or bottom)
  • Include details: Section column, code column, last login column, due date in column headers and column in student view, last change column in single-student view
  • Totals to show students: Past due, past due and attempted, past due and available, all (including future).

Gradebook Categories 

For each category, you can specify:

  • Name: The name of the category
  • Display: Hidden, Expanded, or Collapsed when viewing category items in gradebook.
  • Scale (optional): Scale the category total by specifying a point value or percent value to be scaled up to 100%. For example, if scale is set to 80 points, in computing the overall category grade percentage, the point total for that category would be divided by 80 points. On the other hand, if scale is set to 90%, in computing the overall category grade percentage, the average percentages would be then divided by 90% to rescale.
  • Drops (optional): You can specify whether to drop the lowest N scores, or keep the highest N scores from the category. Set the number to 0 to keep all scores.
  • Weight/Fix Category Point Total: If you are using a "Category Weights" grading scheme, enter the percent weights for each category here. If the category percents don't add to 100%, they are all scaled equally so they do add to 100%. If you are using a "Points earned" grading scheme, you can fix the point value for the category here (optional). For example, if the current category total is 50 points and a student earns 40 points, if you specified a fixed point value of 100 points, the students score would become 80 points. Leave this blank to use the actual category point total.
  • Remove: When you remove a category, any items currently assigned to that category will be assigned to the Default category

Offline Grades

To add or modify an offline grade, clicking on triangle next to "Offline Grades."

In the add offline grade page, you can specify:

  • Name: The name to give the grade item
  • Points: The number of points possible on the item
  • Show to students after: The date after which to show the item to students
  • Gradebook Category: The gradebook category you wish to assign the item to
  • Count: Whether to count the score in the gradebook total, not count it, or count it as extra credit
  • Allow tutors to edit: Whether tutors should be able to edit scores for this item
    You can then enter grades for each student. If you leave a grade blank, no grade will be recorded for that student. You can edit these settings or edit all students' grades at a later time by clicking the "Average" in the gradebook for this item. You can edit an individual student's grade by clicking on their score in the gradebook for this item. You can leave feedback for students about their grade using the boxes provided.

In the manage offline grades page, you may delete, change the availability, or change the gradebook assignment of a set of offline grade items. You may also bulk upload multiple offline grades from this page.

How to Export Your OHM Gradebook as a CSV or Excel File