If you experienced any issues while importing the package please submit a support request with a screenshot so that we can troubleshoot the problem.
This article covers how to import a Waymaker package into Blackboard and Blackboard Ultra.
The Lumen team will deliver a Blackboard Course Export Package which will make it easy to link your Lumen course to Blackboard.
Please use a brand new course shell, or a course shell that has not had any Lumen package previously imported.
If you need to reuse a course shell, please submit a support request.
Download and save the file provided onto your desktop.
Once saved, you can follow the directions below:
Import Process Blackboard (if you are using Blackboard Ultra, please see section below)
Navigate to your course.
Select Packages and Utilities.
Select Import Package/View Logs.
Choose “Import Package.”
- SELECT A PACKAGE: Click Browse to locate the course package
- Check the boxes for:
- “Content Areas”
- “Discussion Board”
- “Grade Center Columns and Settings”
- Check the boxes for:
- SELECT Submit
- Review a course page and ensure it displays.
Here is a video of the process:
Blackboard Ultra Instructions
From the home page of your course in Blackboard Ultra:
Go to "Content" and then select the ellipsis on the right side of your screen and select "Import Content."
Select "Import Course Content."This will give you the option to upload your course package.
Here is a video of the process for Blackboard Ultra:
How to test that the import worked in Blackboard and Blackboard Ultra.
Open the module: Succeeding With Waymaker.
Click on any of the links and/or pages. Verify the content displays
Choose any Module in the course.
Click into a Study Plan.
Select Show What You Know. Verify the pre-test works and the Study Plan updates.
Return to a Module: Select a Quiz. Verify that the quiz works.
Open Grades and review that all graded items are connected to the Gradebook.
*Note - You won't see a grade in the gradebook from the previous verify quiz step, because you aren't a student in the course.