Waymaker: Manually Connect Quizzes to Blackboard Grade Center

Here are instructions on how to manually connect quizzes to the grade center in Blackboard.

Blackboard: Manually Connect Quizzes to Grade Center

For each graded Quiz:

  1. Locate the Quiz link
  2. Select Edit
    Hint: Click on the down arrow immediately to the right of the link title
    Chevron BB
  3. In “Edit Web Link”:
    • Select “Yes” next to “Enable Evaluation”
    • Enter points possible using either the default number of points below or whatever makes sense for your course and your grading policy
      • Quiz: 20 points each
      • Research Consent: 5 points
  4. If desired, you can also set a due date for the item
  5. Select "Submit"
  6. Repeat as necessary