Waymaker: Moving Sections In The Study Plan

Please consult with your Lumen Learning team member if you want to move tiles because as there are limitations to the number of learning outcomes that a study plan can hold. 

Instructors with course editing rights can move a section both within a Waymaker study plan or into a different study plan within the same course.

A “section” is a single topic tile containing readings, videos and a self-check quiz covering a specific learning outcome. Moving sections gives you flexibility to change where course content appears, 

Section moving is available in all non-math Waymaker courses where editing has been enabled.

This guide answers the following questions about moving sections:

How do I reorder tiles within a Waymaker study plan?

The screen shot below shows how to reorder tiles within a study plan.



Step-by-Step Instructions: Move Tile within a Study Plan

  1. Open the Waymaker study plan containing the section you would like to reorder. To move an individual section, hover over that section and click on the 3-dot edit menu that appears in the upper right corner.
    Note: If the ellipsis icon does not appear, it’s likely that your Waymaker user account does not have editing rights. (See below to learn more about who has editing rights under, “Who is able to move sections?”)
  2. From the menu options, click on Move . A “Move Section” popup screen will appear. Use the sections on this screen to select where you want to move the section. Leaving "This study plan" selected in the Study Plan dropdown will ensure that the section is moved to a new position within its current study plan. (See below for instructions about moving sections to a different study plan.)
  3. Click on the second dropdown, Move, and choose where you want to move the section within the study plan. Selecting First moves the section to the beginning of the study plan, and Last to the end.

    Both the Before a section and After a section options allow you to position the selected section relative to other sections in the study plan. Selecting either of these options enables a third dropdown menu. Use this menu to indicate where you want the position the section, before/after another section in the study plan.

  4. Click on the Move Section button to change the position of the section, according to the settings you selected. When you move the section, it also moves all associated quiz and Show What You Know questions.

    Note: It may take moment for the section to take its new position, so please be patient.

How do I move a section from one study plan to another?

Step-by-Step Instructions: Move Section into a Different Study Plan

  1. Open the study plan that containing the section you want to move. To move an individual section, hover over that section and click on the ellipsis icon that appears in the upper right corner.
    Note: If the ellipsis icon does not appear, it is likely that your user account does not have editing rights. Learn more about who has editing rights under, “Who is able to move sections?” below.
  2. From the Ellipsis Icon (section menu) dropdown, click on Move. A “Move Section” popup screen will appear. Use the settings on this screen to select where you want to move the section.

  3. Click on the Study Plan dropdown, and select the Study Plan into which you want to move the section.

  4. Next, click on the Move dropdown menu and select where you want to move the section within the study plan you selected. 

    Selecting First moves the section to the beginning of the study plan, and Last to the end.
    The Before a section and After a section options allow you to position the selected section relative to other sections in the new study plan.

    Selecting either of these options enables a third dropdown menu. Use this menu to indicate where you want to position the section, before/after another section in the new study plan.

  5. Click on the Move Section button to change the position of the section, according to the settings you selected. When you move the section, it also moves all associated quiz and Show What You Know questions.
    Note: It may take a moment for the section to take its new position, so please be patient.

Which sections can I move?

Course Editors can move any of the content sections listed in the “Dive In” portion of a study plan.

Key structural sections of a study plan may not be moved. These include:

    • (Get Started) Why It Matters
    • (Get Started) Show What You Know
    • (Finish Strong) Putting It Together
    • (Finish Strong) Ready for the Quiz

Who is able to move sections?

Waymaker users who are designated as Course Editors have the ability to move sections. Course Editors have the ability to edit study plans (by moving and deleting sections), as well as edit quizzes and self-checks. At some institutions, one lead faculty member is responsible for editing the quiz banks and study plans that are shared across all course sections. At other institutions, multiple faculty members may share these responsibilities.

By default, the first faculty member who clicks into the course will become the sole editor. An institution may request that additional faculty be given editing rights for the same course.  

That said, we recommend keeping the total number of authorized Course Editors to a minimum, in order to avoid potential conflicts around multiple editors working with the same course. We find it works well for faculty who are not designated Course Editors to coordinate with lead faculty members to recommend and approve edits they want to see in a shared course.

To determine which faculty are listed as editors for your Waymaker course and/or to add additional editors to your course, please check with the person at your institution who coordinates work with Lumen Learning, or submit a ticket.

Are my changes shared across course sections at my institution?

All course sections created from the same Waymaker cartridge will reflect any edits made to study plan sections and quizzes (including self-checks, Show What You Know pretests, and graded quizzes). This may occur if either the same file is used to import Waymaker content into your LMS course shell or if you have used your LMS’ course copy feature to propagate content. If you are unsure about which course sections are connected to the same Waymaker cartridge, please submit a ticket.

If your institution needs multiple versions of the same course (for example, when online vs. face-to-face sections require different content), please submit a ticket.  

We can easily provide additional cartridges as needed to ensure your editing requirements are well-supported.

Why doesn’t the 3-dot edit menu appear when I hover over a section?

If the 3-dot menu doesn’t appear when you hover over sections in a study plan, it’s likely your user account does not have Course Editor rights. If you have appropriate permission from your institution, Lumen’s support team can add you as an editor to the course. Please ask the lead faculty member coordinating with Lumen to submit a ticket.

Note that any changes you make to your course will be propagated to any other course copies created from the same Waymaker cartridge. (For more information, see “Are my changes shared across course sections at my institution?” above).

If you’re unsure about whether you are personally responsible for making edits to your Waymaker course, please check with your department or submit a ticket.