OHM: New-to-OHM Faculty Guide

The OHM Faculty StartUp Guide walks you through the basics of what you need for smooth start using Lumen OHM. 

Need to get started quickly and you're new to Lumen OHM? Are you using Lumen OHM again and need a refresher on how to set up your course?

Questions Covered in This Article

Getting Started with Lumen OHM

In order to use and build courses with Lumen Online Homework Manager (OHM), you’ll need an instructor account.

Request your Lumen OHM instructor account here.
Here is a video that shows this process.

Create a Course

When you create a new course, we recommend you begin by copying a template course which includes text and other instructional materials, computer-graded homework, and instructor resources. 

  1. Use your instructor credentials to log into ohm.lumenlearning.com.
  2. Click on the “Add New Course” button located on the home page.
  3. Click on "Copy a Template Course"
  4. Click on the Level drop down and select the appropriate level(s).
  5. Preview courses and then select one to copy.
  6. Name the course, set permissions as well as other features like LatePasses and Messaging.
  7. Click “Submit” to create your course and then click "Enter the Course."
  8. To modify these settings at a later time, click on “Settings” in the course home page to return to them.

Here is a video that shows this process.

Add or Copy Course Content

You may add original content, course materials, and/or parts from other courses created in the OHM community.

Copy Content From Other Courses

From inside your course:

  1. In the left-hand navigation, go to Course Items. Click on “Copy From ...”
  2. Select the course you want to copy. Browse from your own courses, your group’s courses, template courses, the broader community or enter a known course ID.
  3. Click “Select Course Items” at the bottom of the course list.
  4. Choose whether to copy the whole course or select specific items to copy.
  5. Click “Copy Items.”
  6. Repeat this process for copying from other courses as desired.

Here is a video that shows this process.

Add New Content

On the course home page, use the drop-down menu “Add An Item” to add additional content:

Add An Assessment

Use this tool to create a new homework, quiz, activity, or test.

  1. Create the assessment summary, instruction, options and advanced options.
  2. Click the “Create Assessment” button at the bottom of the page.
  3. Add questions by searching for questions in the library.
  4. Create and add new questions by selecting the “Add New Question” button.
  5. Select the gear icon and then the “Copy” link from the course home page to copy and edit assessments.  

Here is a video that shows this process.

Add Inline Text

Use this tool to add notes, instructions, learning outcomes, links to videos, links to external websites, or attach files.

Add Block

Blocks allow you to group content items such as readings, assessments, and video links.

Here is a video that shows this process.

Modify Content: Quick Rearrange

“Quick Rearrange” is particularly useful for reordering and deleting course content.

  1. Click on “Quick Rearrange,” located at the top right of the home page.
  2. To reorder content blocks (modules), click “Collapse All” and then drag and drop as desired.
  3. To move items from one block (module) to another, click on “Expand All” and then drag and drop as desired.
  4. From this view, you can also click into content blocks to modify, copy, delete, and so on.

Here is a video that shows this process.

Modify Content: Gear Icon

The gear icon is particularly useful for fine-tuning content. It allows you to access and adjust features for each item in your course. Each content item in OHM has features that can be customized in order to modify assessments (for problem sets, quizzes, etc.).

Here is a video that shows this process.

Assessment Features

Click on the gear icon next to the assessment.

From the dropdown menu, you have several features you may access.

Add, Edit, or Delete Questions

Here you can add, edit, or delete questions from your assessment. The top portion of the page shows which questions are in the assessment.

    • To delete a question in the assessment, click on “Remove.”
    • To make a new copy of an existing assessment question, click on “Template.”
    • To edit a question, click on “Edit.” The lower portion of the page allows for searching for potential questions.
    • To restrict your search to specific topic libraries, click on “Select Libraries” and check the topics you would like to browse.
    • To search for specific phrases, type the desired phrase into the search box.
    • If you want to search all libraries, check the “Search all libs” box.
    • Click on “Search” to generate your list of potential questions.

Searchbox method works great for unique phrases that clearly define a problem or concept.

Here is a video that shows this process.

Assessment Settings

Here you may configure your Assessment Settings such as:

  • LatePasses for homework extensions
  • Due dates and available dates
  • Answer key options ( show after due date, show after submission)
  • Gradebook options (point totals, extra credit)
  • Group assessment options and settings
  • Password requirement or time limit

Here is a video that shows this process.

Mass Change Feature

Use Mass Change to quickly copy assessment settings from one assessment to many assessments.

Here is a video that shows this process.

Set Up Gradebook

If you are integrating OHM into an LMS, you can skip this section.

To manage the Gradebook settings, click on “Gradebook” located in the header of the course.

Then click on “GB Settings.” You may alter many settings including:

  • Calculate total using: Points earned/possible or category weights.
  • Adding categories (which may be used to record grades for both online and offline activities)
  • Scaling options
  • Lowest or highest drop options
  • Adjust fixed category point total or category weights.

Here is a video that shows this process.


You may manually override scores and go through student answers one by one for each question on the assessment. Also, you may view detailed item analysis for student performance. This includes:

  • Average Score Attempted
  • Average Attempts
  • % Incomplete
  • Time per student per attempt
  • % Clicked on Help

Student Enrollment and Access

LMS-Integrated OHM

  • If your institution is using Lumen OHM integrated into your learning management system (LMS), your students do not need to register for OHM.

To activate the course link to OHM, instructors must click on any OHM assessment within the LMS and log in to OHM when prompted. Once the student has access to the course in their LMS (Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, etc.), students may access materials.

Direct Log-in to OHM Website

  • If your students will access the course materials by logging directly into the Lumen OHM website, they will have to enroll in the course from ohm.lumenlearning.com.
  • Instructors must provide a Course ID and Enrollment Key.

You may find the Course ID and Enrollment Key by clicking on the “Course Settings” in the left-hand navigation; instructors may create or modify their Enrollment Key in this screen if desired. Students follow steps from the OHM login page to create an account and enter the Course ID and Enrollment Key to complete enrollment. 

Technical Requirements

Lumen OHM is always optimized for the latest and second-latest versions of the major browsers. Check whether your browser is up to date, visit whatismybrowser.com

Cookies should be enabled.

No plugins are required.