Participation for each study plan is calculated by how many self checks you have completed out of the total available in that study plan. Students will see what self checks they have completed as indicated at the bottom of each tile in the study plan.
Don't forget to click the finish button!
Participation points for each self check will be granted the first time you complete the activity from start to finish and click Finish. Participation points are not impacted by correct or incorrect answers. You either get full credit or no credit for each self check. As long as you complete the self check and click finish, you will get full credit for the self check in that tile. Multiple attempts at the same self-check do not increase your score because you already received full credit. You can take the self checks as many times as you would like, this is encouraged to help you prepare for the module quiz. Self checks are "graded" based on completion to account for course interactions, not on questions correct.
In the example below, the student would get full credit (3 out of 3) regardless of how many questions they answered correctly.
You must click on the "Finish" button after completing the last question in order to receive credit.
As you work through the self checks in a study plan, Waymaker will track, record, and pass back the percentage complete to the LMS gradebook. You will see a change in your grade as you complete the self check for each tile.
Your instructor can see breakdowns of your graded participation score within their Waymaker Faculty Tools.