Waymaker For Students: Why is my Quiz "Unsubmitted"?


If you attempt is unsubmitted, this would indicate that you abandoned your quiz attempt prior to submission.

To avoid “losing” quiz attempts, students should follow these tips:

  • DO complete the quiz in one sitting.
  • DO make sure to have a strong internet connection when taking quizzes – especially when pressing the “submit” button.
  • Use ONLY the quiz navigation controls inside the quiz iframe while taking the quiz:
  • Do NOT leave the quiz before viewing results:
    • Do NOT use any other navigation controls
    • Do NOT close your browser tab
    • Do NOT refresh your browser
    • DO wait patiently for results to load; results usually load in under one second but can twenty seconds or more at times
  • If you accidentally do any of the above, you will receive a warning message. DO pay attention to it and select “Stay on this page” to remain on the quiz and finish it

Please note, we do not make adjustments to courses, assessments or grades on behalf of students. We encourage you to open a line of communication with your professor to inform them that you are experiencing problems.