Lumen One: Can I copy my customizations into additional course shells?

Yes! Any customizations to your Lumen One Study Plans, quiz access, and mastery threshold will copy into additional courses.

When you copy your Lumen One course, your copied Lumen One course will inherit the customizations from your original course.  

IMPORTANT: Your original and copied courses will not be linked. Any additional customizations made in the original will not transfer after you have copied the course. 

Here are some best practices to keep in mind. 

  1. Complete all changes PRIOR to copying the LMS course shell into additional sections. 
  2. Do not use your LMS’s ‘Export/Import content’ features. You must use your LMS's “copy” feature in order for customizations to be copied into your new course.
  3. Click the Lumen Faculty Engagement Center link in your LMS to confirm the copy of your customized Lumen One course. Accessing a link from your copied course is the final step in copying your course.

How do I copy my template or master course?

Go to Lumen One: How Do I Copy My Course for additional details and best practices. 


Here’s a quick overview of which Lumen One Customizations copy into additional course shells: 

Lumen One Feature Copies into new course ?
Assessments > Quiz Access
Assessments > Mastery Threshold
Study Plan Customization
Automated Message Settings & Templates
Intervention Message Templates
Communication Preferences
Assessments > Manage Quiz Attempts


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