This article covers how Start and Due Dates work in OHM with Blackboard, Brightspace, Moodle, and Canvas.
For an overview of how Start and Due Dates work in OHM, here is video explaining these features in Blackboard, Brightspace, and Moodle.
For an overview of how Start and Due Dates work in OHM, here is video explaining these features in Canvas.
Mass Change Dates & Time Shift
Reusing content from one semester to the next is simple with OHM’s copy and bulk adjustment features.
For due dates, there are two main methods of bulk adjusting the due dates for many assessments in OHM. Both can be found on the left side of the main course page in the gray box.

Mass Change: Dates
Mass Change: Time Shift
Mass Change: Dates
If you have already figured out your due dates and are looking for a single page in which you can manually adjust all the dates for all items, this is the best method for adjusting dates.
Some key functionality on this page:
modify visibility, start date, and end date item by item
based on the date difference of a particular item, bulk apply the same difference to all rows below that particular item.
bulk modify the time
bulk modify late pass cut-off date & time
Mass Change: Time Shift
If you have a rough idea of how you want to shift dates, the time shift feature is convenient. You specify how to shift one assessment’s due date, and all other assessment due dates will be shifted by the same number of days. You can then use the mass change dates page or the calendar to fine-tune the dates.
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