OHM: Recommended Syllabus Language

This article contains information for faculty to include on their syllabus.

Note to faculty: Thank you for partnering with us, and we look forward to working with you and your students! Here you will find materials to support your students that you can add to your syllabus. Please be sure to fill in the information that reflects your local course. We have also included helpful support videos.

Required Course Materials 

  • OHM [insert course name, e.g.: College Algebra] from Lumen Learning.

In this course you will use OHM instead of a traditional textbook for [COURSE NAME]. OHM provides your course materials digitally inside [INSERT YOUR LMS].

You can access all readings, videos, a study plan, quizzes, and other activities by logging into [PROVIDE YOUR LMS LINK HERE].

It is strongly recommended that students purchase these course materials through our institution’s materials program. If you opt out of the materials program, you will be removed from the course materials and assessments. To regain access, you will be required to purchase a Lumen Learning Activation Code through our bookstore. The additional steps in this process may delay your progress on assignments. 

    Purchasing Options

    Note for faculty: Customize this section. Special pricing and payment terms may apply to some institutions, including making Lumen course materials available at no cost to students. Feel free to contact your Lumen team member with any questions about pricing, payment, or student access. Standard payment options may vary.

    If a student opts out of your institution’s materials program, they will need to purchase an activation code through your bookstore. 

    Purchasing an Activation Code Instructions 

    1. Purchase a Lumen Learning Activation Code from your campus bookstore.
    2. Enter your Access Code/PIN purchased from the campus bookstore into a Regain Access form.  
    3. If you purchase in person, this will be printed on your receipt.  Please save your receipt.  If you purchase via the online bookstore, this will be emailed to you.

    How do I get started with OHM? 

    Note to faculty: Customize this section. Here are recommendations for FAQs about OHM. 

    Need Additional Help?

    You can get technical support with Lumen One at: support.lumenlearning.com