OHM: Assessment Settings

This article lists all of the assessment setting in Lumen OHM.

Setting due dates

Once you have your gradebook set up, you will want to adjust when and for how long your students will have access to assessments.  There are a lot of settings and therefore a lot of possible combinations for how you can set these up, so play around with it a bit to see what work best for you. 

Don't forget that there is a great faculty forum in MOM where you can ask others what they have done to get the results you desire.

Adjust the dates available on an assessment:

Hover your mouse over the title of the assessment - you will see several options appear:

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 11.05.34 AM

Click on Settings, then scroll down the page a bit:

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 11.06.43 AMHere you can change dates available, and even hide the assessment until you want students to see it.

Core Options

Depending on how you are using the assessment in your course, you will want to adjust these core options.  Some important core options are:

  • default points per problem - if you don't want to set each question individually
  • default attempts per problem - how many times the student can try the problem.
  • feedback method - when students can see scores
  • show answers - when students can see the answer to the question
  • gradebook category - which category in the gradebook the assignment will be in
  • whether the assignment is counted in gradebook

All Assessment Options

You need to set the assessment settings when you add an assessment. You can change these settings by clicking the "Modify Settings" link next to the assessment in the course page.

  • Name: The name of the assessment
  • Summary: A description of the summary (shows on course page)
  • Intro/Instructions: Displays at the top of the test (see below for details on making question-specific instructions)
  • Available after: The first date for the item to be available to students
  • Available until: The last date for the item to be available to students. Students must complete the assessment by this date - they will be kicked out if they are in the middle of an assessment when this time is reached.
  • Available for review: If the checkbox is clicked, the assessment will convert to review mode after the due date until this date. Review mode defaults to Skip Around display, unlimited attempts, answers shown always. Scores are not saved in Review mode.
  • Count: Whether the assessment score should be counted in the gradebook, not counted in the grade total, or counted as extra credit.
  • Copy Options From: If you have other assessments in your course already, you can select to copy the assessment settings from another assessment.
  • Password: If specified, requires student to enter this password to access the assessment. Leave blank to require no password.
  • Time Limit: The time limit, in minutes, for the test (0 for none). If the student exceeds the time limit, their test will be recorded, and you can decide whether or not to accept it in the gradebook detail. Partial minutes are possible using decimal values. If you check the "Kick student out at timelimit" box, then the assessment will automatically finalize at the timelimit, and submission attempts after the timelimit will be rejected.

Assessment Display Method:

    • Full test at once: All questions are displayed on one page
    • One question at a time: One question is shown at a time. Students must complete the questions in the order presented
    • Full test, submit one at time: Full test is displayed, but student submits answer to one question at a time. Student can skip between questions.
    • Skip around: Students are provided with a navigation bar and can jump between questions and complete them in any order
    • Embedded: Similar to "Full test, submit one at time", but all questions are always active, and any one can be submitted at any time. Questions can be embedded into the Intro/Instructions using [QUESTION #] tags.
  • Default points per problem: How many points each problem should be worth by default. This can be changed for individual problems.
  • Default attempts per problem: How many attempts a student should have at each problem by default. This can be changed for individual problems. Enter 0 for unlimited attempts
  • Reattempts different versions: Reattempting a problem will regenerate the question with new numbers. By default, reattempts of problems receive the same version of the problem. This option does not make sense to use with Homework mode.
  • Default penalty per missed attempt: What percentage of points possible a student should lose for an incorrect attempt. This can be changed for individual problems. You can select a penalty for each missed attempt, to start after a certain number of missed attempts, or specify a penalty for the last possible attempt only.

Feedback Method: What detail do you want students to see?

  • No scores shown: No scores, including the total, are shown to the student. If reattempts are allowed, the student is forced to retake all questions (even ones they got right the first time). With this mode, access to grade detail in the gradebook controlled by the Show Answers setting.
  • Final score: Only final (total) score is shown at the end. If reattempts are allowed, the student is forced to retake all questions (even ones they got right the first time). With this mode, access to grade detail in the gradebook controlled by the Show Answers setting.
  • Show score on each at end: At the end of the test, the student is shown their score on each question. If reattempts are allowed, they are then allowed to go back and reattempt problems.
  • Show as submitted: As each question is submitted, the score is shown, and students are offered a chance to reattempt the problem (if allowed). This method does not apply to the "Full test at once" display method.
  • Practice Test: Same as above, and the test can be regenerated (re-randomized) whenever the student wants. Students are given an opportunity to try similar problems to the one presented after completing each question (when not in Full test at once mode). Scores are cleared each time the test is regenerated, and scores are not shown by default in the gradebook. Answers can be shown after some number of attempts.
  • Homework: Like "Show as submitted", but students are given an opportunity to attempt a similar question if they miss a question. Doing so resets attempts for that question (reseting attempt penalty as well). Also, show answers (see below) can be set to show answers during the homework after a number of attempts. This is best used in conjunction with the attempt penalty.
Show Answers: When (if ever) would like students to be able to see answers?
    • Practice Tests and Homework: For practice tests and homework, you can set this to never, after 0,1,3,4,or 5 attempts are made, or after last attempt. There is also an after last attempt option that will allow students to jump directly to the answer.
    • Other Tests: For other tests, you can set this to never, after the assessment due date, after the last last attempt (in Skip Around and Full test submitted one at time modes only), or immediately. Answers will be available in the gradebook review of a test. Note: Do not use the "Immediately" option if you are allowing multiple attempts per problem. Doing so would allow a student to complete the test, view the answers, then reenter the test (since more attempts are allowed) and put in the correct answers. Also be aware that if an assessment is set to allow review mode, that answers will be available to students in review mode.
  • Show hints when available: Whether or not to show hints if the question has them defined
  • Allow use of LatePasses: If you have granted LatePasses to students, this will allow use of them on this assessment
  • Make hard to print: Makes the assessment harder to print, for in-class tests
  • Shuffle item order: Randomizes the order in which questions are presented
  • Gradebook Category: If you have created gradebook categories, you can assign the assessment to one of those categories.
  • Count: Whether to count the assessment in the gradebook
  • Allow tutors to edit: Whether tutors should be able to change students' scores on this assessment
  • Minimum Score for Credit: A minimum score which must be acheived to receive credit for the assessment. Set to 0 to accept all scores. If set and score is not met, gradebook will display "NC" (No Credit).
  • Show based on another assessment: Use this to hide this assessment until a specific score is acheived on another assessment. Provide a point value and select an assessment to use this feature. Set the assessment to "Don't Use" to not use this feature
  • All questions same random seed: Usually not needed. This is only need for a set of questions designed to work together using the same random values
  • All students receive same version of questions: All students receive the same first version of questions. If in practice test or homework mode, when students request a similar problem, different students will receive different versions of the questions.
  • Penalty for questions done while in exception/LatePass: A percent penalty to take on all questions submitted after the original assignment due date while under a due date exception.
  • Is group assessment?: Allows students to specify group members for the assignment. All group members will receive the same score for the assignment
  • Show question categories?: If you plan to categorize questions and would like the categories displayed while the student is taking the test, you can select that option here
  • LTI access secret: An access code to place this assessment in a BasicLTI-compliant consumer. More info

Question-specific instructions

In the Intro/Instructions box, you can make question-specific instructions by putting a tag of the form [Q #] or [Q #-#] before the text specific to that question or range of questions. Here is an example:

This is the general info

[Q 1]

This text will display before question 1

[Q 3-4]

This text will display before questions 3 and 4. Since there was no tag for question 2, it will display directly after question 1, with no associated intro text. Likewise, if there was a question 5, it would display directly after question 4 with no associated intro text.