Waymaker Syllabus Language

On this page, you will find language you can use for customizing your syllabus.

Required Course Materials 

  • Waymaker [insert course name, e.g.: Marketing] from Lumen Learning.

In this course you will use Waymaker [insert course name, e.g.: Marketing] instead of a traditional textbook. Waymaker provides your course materials digitally inside insert your school’s LMS. 

You can access all readings, videos, a study plan, quizzes and other activities through insert your school’s LMS. A note about Waymaker Quizzes: they help you learn! After your first quiz attempt you’ll receive feedback and opportunity to learn and practice the content before your 2nd or final quiz attempt. 

Purchasing Options

NOTE FOR INSTRUCTOR: Special pricing and payment terms may apply to some institutions, including making Lumen course materials available at no cost to students. Feel free to contact your Lumen team member with any questions about pricing, payment, or student access. Standard payment options may vary.

Directions for Students Purchasing Waymaker:

Students are prompted to enter an activation code or online payment on your module quiz. Two quizzes will have a free pass, and from there you will need to purchase access to Waymaker. 

  1. Purchase Online: You can purchase Waymaker with a credit card for [Insert price] when you access your first quiz in this course.
  2. Bookstore: You can purchase a Waymaker access code from the school bookstore. Note that the bookstore price may be slightly higher than if you purchase online.

Video explaining purchasing instructions.

We also have instructions for different learning management systems and bookstores. 

Student Support In Waymaker

Succeeding with Waymaker: Make sure you review the Succeeding With Waymaker Module. You will find videos that walk you through how to access Waymaker and how to complete your readings and assignments here:


Study Plan Graded Participation:

Here is a video explaining how the grade is calculated in the Study Plan. 

Additional information about Waymaker:

Waymaker is different from other course materials in these ways:

  • There is no separate textbook. Everything you need is in the [insert LMS] course, including an e-Book. 
  • The study plans in Waymaker will provide guidance on where to focus your attention. As you complete self check questions, Show What You Know sections in the study plans, and quizzes, you’ll get feedback on which areas you need to read and study more.
  • You can take graded quizzes multiple times. Quizzes help you learn. You can take your quiz at least twice; only the higher score will be recorded. 
  • Instructors can see where students are struggling. I can see how you do on your quizzes and offer individualized help when you need it. I can also see if you are doing the self-checks and practice activities. I’m here to help you!